
Self Conscious

Self-conscious is being aware of one's self. How do we do the hard and necessary work of being aware of us and who we are and discern who we think we are and what we want to be from who we truly are? It begins with our self-talk. Listening to how we talk to ourselves and staying awake to us helps guide us to seeing and knowing who we are. I had been working on a woman's astrological birth chart recently. In looking at her chart I saw a pattern which I interpreted a certain way. Our astrological charts can show us our basic nature, the nature of our early wounds, and ways with which we can work with our minds and our wounds to grow and be our potential in this world. Her birth chart looked like she had chosen a difficult life. Her mind was being pulled in many directions and looked like there had been a lot of strife and emotional abuse in her life. When I actually met with her and worked with her, I quickly saw and felt and knew that she had been able to transcend the...

Gratitude Poem

Gratitude Poem With all that is going on in this world, I woke up grateful. Remembering all the sacrifices our founding fathers’ made; for them and for us. The Father’s of our country, so wise and so flawed. We come from them and from so many. We come from peoples all over the world. I am so flawed, and so awed, and so full of love. Grateful for our country. Grateful for both the beauty and squalor around us Grateful for the opportunity to be alive and to feel Seeing the richness and diversity all around us; of nature, of peoples, of feelings, of believings. All has shaped us and shaped me. I can’t remember and can’t forget all my past pains As I go forward in life thankful to be, to think and to express All that I hold dear to my heart. In gratitude.

Spring Blossoms

Feeling the sunshine on our faces as we gaze out our windows, or sit in our gardens, or eat outside in a café, or walk around our neighborhoods is a glorious feeling. What springs forth in the springtime is often a manifestation of our winter dreams. What dreams did you have that you might experience springing out about now? I work with patients all the time who share with me their hopes and dreams. It is so lovely to see their dreams coming out of them to be expressed in their lives and in the world. We can't express our hopes and dreams if we first don't give us permission to speak them to ourselves. Many of us have been squashed in our lives and haven't felt we had the permission to be who we are much less express our inner thoughts and feelings even to ourselves. There is a gentleman who is engaged in an active process of rebuilding his life based on awareness and possibility instead of blindness and getting by. It is not an easy process in any way. The re...

"Listening To The Rain Of Sadness" Poem

Sitting in my den listening to the rain of sadness The never ending rain, my eyes want to give way to tears I feel sadness in my heart as I begin to welcome the waves of rain into my consciousness Waves of sadness, fear, lack of faith entertain me through the sounds of the rain drops. Will this ever end? And the birdsong and hoot of my resident owl whom I have yet to see join me in my quiet reverie taking up residence in my mind The peels of thunder occasionally making an appearance in a new wave of flash fall add to the murky soup of my consciousness Creating a new song slowly taking shape… The song of a rainy, sometimes stormy, day in nature One with the silent beat of the trees holding fort and taking in the sustenance of nature’s water The call of the birds simultaneously taking shelter and calling out today’s news The drum beat of the skies tumult The wind shushing through the foliage All converge in my awareness creating a new dance in my mind From...

On A Walk

I love to walk and especially walk in nature. It gives me peace and a feeling of being a part of everything. I love the smells, the beauty, the trees, the insects, yes the insects, the animals…..I love it all; except maybe getting stuck in the cold and rain. I was taking a walk the other day with my dog named Crow. Crow is a female who has the coloring of a Louisiana Leopard Dog. I had never heard of that breed, and yes, the breed exists. One of the ways I download from the day and disconnect from the virtual, digital world is to go walking, in nature and in the neighborhood. I was taking a walk the other day in an area in the country where I can have her off leash and she stays near me. She and I both love doing this. We had had some extreme rain events and the area was partially flooded so we took a little different route on an old railroad track surrounded by trees, a creek and lots of drying mud. We were enjoying our slightly bumpy walk on the old railroad ties, she was n...

A Window In Time

We all live in windows of time. We often do not live in the present but in windows of time. When we are going about our days we are thinking about what we are going to do or wondering what is going to happen, or thinking about an event that had occurred or about what someone said to us way back when etc. These windows of time are ones that have an effect on us and also ones which we hope to have some control over in the future because of what happened in the past. Many of us consciously work at being more mindful and being more in the present. Even so, and with the best intentions and discipline, we often do not succeed in this endeavor. That is ok, and how our mind's work so frequently, and is part of our human experience. When it becomes a problem is when we are not aware that we are actually living in a window of time and are acting and reacting as though that past or future window was, in fact, happening right now.  There are so many examples of this daily pheno...

Written In The Stars

Life is so much bigger than we are aware of. What we can see with our literal eyes is so little compared to what is possible to see. We see with what we know of as our belief systems. If something exists, but not within the awareness of our beliefs, we then don't see it; at least much of the time. What if I were to tell you that our genetic code is written in the stars above? Would you believe me? What used to be acceptable sciences are now seen as woo woo. And what also would apply is that what we now see as acceptable science at one time would have been seen as woo woo. The very moment of our birth and the arrangement of the planets in the sky at that very moment has within it's coded our very genetic possibilities as well as our ancestral influences.  In today's world, we call that woo-woo stuff astrology. In Plato's time, it was acceptable science. What I do know to be true is that we are greatly influenced by the dynamics and constellations of the stars...