
Showing posts from December, 2018

In the Meantime: Old Traumas and Wounds

I don’t know if any of you watch television, but I saw a show the other day which spoke to me. The show is actually one that is filled with melodrama, but I view it anyway as I love medical shows. There was an episode recently where a psychiatrist heard the inner story which kept a young woman captive. The show is called Chicago Med. The psychiatrist is my favorite character in the show. He is at once very human with his own fallible and also very wise and intuitive and gentle. In this particular show, a young woman was brought in who her mother thought was possessed by a demon. She had scratches all over her, was out of control and so was restrained and was dehydrated and spoke in gibberish. The young woman’s father also came in enraged about how his ex-wife was treating his daughter. The psychiatrist interviewed the mother and father separately and received their stories and perceptions.  Here we are IN THE MEANTIME again, as he figures out what is going on with this yo...

Venus and The Art of Love

As I was sitting up in bed and meditating the other morning, I tuned into my stomach area; my gut. It seemed to be talking with me by feeling stiff and wooden. I attuned myself to that area and got a sense that for me, the stiffness was a general feeling of a baseline fear I carry which is related to a fear of rejection. This understanding led me to realize that our guts, where many of our neurotransmitters live, have to break down and digest many things beyond food. Digesting a fear of rejection is a difficult task. It doesn’t digest well or easily. In fact, it shouldn’t digest it. Many of us try to digest feelings, emotions, beliefs, and ideas which are not ours or are not digestible. Digesting means to break things down so that we can absorb what we take in. Do we want to consume someone else’s feelings, or food that is not good for us, or someone’s ideas, etc.? I would say, probably not. Upon making this realization, for me, it is important to accept myself, so that even...

In The Meantime: Learning New Things

I love to learn new things. As a result, I have had the training for four different careers. Life is too short to find myself uninterested in what I do. I have to keep things interesting, or I lose my enthusiasm for life. We all spend most of our waking hours doing some sort of work. To me, it is therefore so important to at least like what I do and gets engrossed in my work. Learning something new though involves not only taking the time, or time out of my daily life to learn something new, but also the time to integrate the work into my knowledge base and then to integrate it into my work in some way or to initiate new work and services I offer. That becomes quite a lot of time and effort I expend without knowing the outcome in terms of how I can incorporate the new information into my existing work or start new work, etc. When I engage in learning new material, I take a significant risk as to how I can use this in my life. At those times I begin to enter that zone of time I call...