Venus and The Art of Love

As I was sitting up in bed and meditating the other morning, I tuned into my stomach area; my gut. It seemed to be talking with me by feeling stiff and wooden. I attuned myself to that area and got a sense that for me, the stiffness was a general feeling of a baseline fear I carry which is related to a fear of rejection. This understanding led me to realize that our guts, where many of our neurotransmitters live, have to break down and digest many things beyond food. Digesting a fear of rejection is a difficult task. It doesn’t digest well or easily. In fact, it shouldn’t digest it.

Many of us try to digest feelings, emotions, beliefs, and ideas which are not ours or are not digestible. Digesting means to break things down so that we can absorb what we take in. Do we want to consume someone else’s feelings, or food that is not good for us, or someone’s ideas, etc.? I would say, probably not.

Upon making this realization, for me, it is important to accept myself, so that even if others do reject parts of me or my ideas, I can discern it is not about me and I can discard that which is not mine or about me. For those of you wondering where I am going with this, the planet Venus is a planet which is about love, in a sense. How we relate to the planet Venus in our birth charts and what sign and house it is in can teach us and show us how we more easily love, what we love, how we love, and a great discernment as to if this person or situation is for us, or not.

In this situation I am writing about, our guts have to take in, digest and absorb things. If we are trying to absorb something we or our bodies don’t love there is a cost to us. We may experience this cost as an upset stomach, or constipation or loose bowels, or a gut feeling that something isn’t right or doesn’t feel right. For those of us who are very sensitive and may have personal boundaries that leak, or are too porous, letting in others’ feelings and energies, our guts may be telling us to look at the other person, or situation more closely. Is this our feeling? Does it feel good or not? How was I feeling just before this? Can I discern, love myself enough to discard or let go of that which doesn’t fit, or doesn’t feel right, or isn’t mine? Can I make a radical love of myself first, and love myself enough to make that choice, and even acknowledge and also know, to discern, that something isn’t right and to have the inner courage to let it go and not try to make it part of me?

For me personally, can I love and accept myself enough so that what others say and do is just that, what others’ say and do, and I don’t take it in and try to make it mine? Venus is about that. Venus is also about how we bond and our ability to bond. We have to begin with ourselves first and foremost and have the inner permission to listen to us and our needs and to know how important we are. We are essential not in an overbearing way, or an arrogant way, but in a way which understands we are all critical. From this place of self-love, we love ourselves enough to honor who we are, and the integrity of our deep selves often felt and represented through our guts. We then have the ability of discernment in all aspects of our lives.

To learn more about how Venus is your chart and how you love and what you love, and even the correlation between your chart and your body, call or email me for an appointment or session. 314-995-9755, or
  • December Astrology Special: For the holidays, book a 30-minute Astrology session for only $45.00. This Holiday Special is good if you book your session between now and December 25th. Just mention this special and contact me at or (314)-995-9755.
  • January Astrology Class: In my next Astrology class (January 13, 2019), we will weave the importance of the elements and the sun, moon and ascendant in looking at the psychological tools at play in our lives. We will also introduce the main aspects and geometric configurations in our charts and what they mean for us. Again, we will choose a name from a hat to look at their chart in more depth. You can learn more and register here.
  • February Astrology Workshop: Join me for a one day workshop where we look at and examine your own personal chart in the context of your evolving self through understanding the nodes of the moon in your chart. This is an insightful way to understand your past lives, your early present life, and your ancestral inheritance and the wounds you were born into this life. It will assist you to gain a deep compassion for yourself as well as to see what gets in your own way to be the best version of you possible. As you become conscious of what gets in your way you then can see the remedy or remedies so what you see becomes a reality. You can learn more and register here.

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