
What Brings Joy?

"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid  drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”                                                                                            - Langston Hughes Spring is often known as a happy time. We can shed our winter clothes as the weather warms, feel the sun’s warmth on our faces and witness the birth and regeneration of nature. The month of April, in particular, gives us a hope for rebirth. While we were in the seemingly never ending throws of winter, we get stuck wondering when this ever present cold will going away. Instinctively we are aware that the seasons will change bringing April and its beauty and warmth of the spring season. Life is often like the transition from winter to spring. Traumatic events happen in our lives capturing parts of us and keeping it stuck in the past. So we must ask ourselves about joy. What is joy? As sad as it is, we forget about joy or worse we either h

How Much Rain Is Too Much?

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the r ain, there would be no rainbow.”                                                                            -  Gilbert K. Chesterton                April is upon us bringing both gentle spring rains and thunderstorms. If asked, a farmer will tell you the ground can only absorb so much. Using this as a metaphor ask yourself, ‘how much rain is too much’ in your life? For the month of April, I am focusing on how our past influences both our present and our future. Through Body Presencing we can gracefully move from being stuck in our past and shift into living in our present. The best modality I offer, in helping one move through difficulties, is my Family Constellation work infused with my Chiropractic skills of “listening to the body”. As our bodies and minds are really the same, sometimes clients come to me with physical symptoms manifesting directly from deeper issues.

The Weight of the Matter

“The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective.”                                                                                               - Al Neuharth March is with us and upon us with all of its ups and downs. It is a roller coaster time of the year with temperatures rising and falling, with rain and snow, with opportunities to go out and get our gardens ready, and times to sit and stay cozy in our homes. It is also a time when we begin to think about the warm weather to come, and begin to desire to shed the extra pounds we might have gained in the cold of the winter. We begin to become concerned with our weight. In my work, I listen to all kinds of ways we express our selves through the language of words, our bodies, the way we dress, the way we talk, and how we present our selves. I listen to the word, “weight”, with the many meanings it can represent. Some of us struggle with weight throughout the year; not just during momen

Believing Is Seeing

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else."                                                                                                - Yogi Berra The winds of March are here, and the winds of belief come and go. The unseen winds are strong and we know they are there, and we see the effects, but we can’t see them with our eyes. Are there other things you know are there, but can’t see? Our world here in the West is so about thinking like, looking like, and acting like those around us. This comes at a great consequence of our true selves. Part of the work I do in this world is to help others know who they truly are, underneath the layers of beliefs and ego, and to help them to be who they are. I’d like to share a story that gave my client and friend a great new lease on life.   This woman had a life partner since college; about 40 years. Last year, after years of pain and struggle, her long time love died. Both of