What Brings Joy?
"Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain
sing you a lullaby.”
-Langston Hughes
Spring is often known as a happy time. We can shed our winter
clothes as the weather warms, feel the sun’s warmth on our faces and witness
the birth and regeneration of nature. The month of April, in particular, gives
us a hope for rebirth.
While we were in the seemingly never ending throws of
winter, we get stuck wondering when this ever present cold will going away. Instinctively
we are aware that the seasons will change bringing April and its beauty and
warmth of the spring season.
Life is often like the transition from winter to spring.
Traumatic events happen in our lives capturing parts of us and keeping it stuck
in the past. So we must ask ourselves about joy. What is joy? As sad as it is,
we forget about joy or worse we either haven’t experienced joy much or even at
all. This begs the question, what brings joy to us?
Part of my BodyPresencing work that I do is to help people recognize
joy and find it for themselves again. A good example of this occurred during my
Family Constellation work with one woman. Family Constellations helps each of us
to know our purpose in life un-entwined with our family over generations. It
awakens us to the unconscious of forces, we have been blind to, that often live
within us.
On the surface, this woman appeared happy and joyful. Although
she was putting on a good façade, in many ways she was happy. Underneath the
surface, she was carrying a lot of pressure and responsibility. She is a hard
worker that feels personally responsible for both everything at work and at
home. Since her husband lost his job, due to company downsizing, she alone
felt the weight of their finances. After listening, I asked her what she
would really like help with. The words she chose in her response showed she
felt like a victim with great anger at life. This internal anger was robbing
her of her joy.
After work we transitioned into the relationship she had with
her parents. Although nothing in particular happened, she felt distant from her
mother and was much closer to her father. She remembered, as a child, her
mother was not really available to her because she worked a lot even though her
father worked too, she felt she wans’t seen by her mother. Because of this
dynamic she had unconsciously rejected her mother creating a much closer
relationship with her father. We call that being a father’s girl. As the
session developed she mentioned her father had been in World War 2 and hadn’t
married her mother until after the war. She went on to remember that during the
war her father had a relationship with a woman and they had a child together. This
child, her half brother, was not recognized until much later in life after her
father had died. In fact, it wasn’t until a few years ago that her brother had
contacted her looking for his ‘other family’. She met him for the first time in
Europe soon after that. Yet, she doesn’t consciously remember him enough to
even speak of him. She unconsciously was still keeping her father’s secret. The
energy revealed, during the Constellation, that her mother was deeply affected
by her father’s other relationship and child. By the mother feeling not good
enough for her husband she was unable to see her daughter clearly. Once this
other woman and child were acknowledged, she became more confident, closer to
her husband, and available for her daughter.
Through Family Constellation work, I have found that when
anyone in the family is not remembered or acknowledged, it affects everyone in his
or her future. This woman’s mother was not happy or joyful, and so in turn neither
was her daughter. For those of you who haven’t experienced Family Constellation
work individuals, in a group setting, stand up to represent a family member.
Even though they don’t know the person they are representing, their bodies seem
to somehow know something or some dynamic about this person.
One important thing I had this client do during our session
was tell the other woman, of her father’s earlier relationship, ‘thank you for
leaving’ or ‘thank you for allowing my father to leave so that I could live’.
She wouldn’t even be here unless her father had left the first woman and
married her mother. Her mother unconsciously felt the first woman and child’s
existence without consciously knowing it.
As all her family members were remembered, my client felt
better with less anger and great relief. It is also possible that the anger of
having to carry the financial weight of her family really belonged to the
unexpressed anger the first woman and her son might have felt at not being
acknowledged. What we do know is that after the session my client’s façade faded
and she actually felt joy that she had previously pretended to feel.
Family Constellation work can be a great tool and resource
for understanding dynamics in the family, for seeing belief systems held in the
family, and for gaining a greater perspective on family members which helps to
separate us from other’s feelings and traumas. As we work on ourselves to gain
greater consciousness, understanding, and compassion towards us we can then
extend the same consciousness towards our families and the greater community
and world.
I will also offer another Afternoon of Constellations on
Sunday, June 23rd. This is a great opportunity to be introduced to
this powerful body of work. To learn more about this work, check out Family
Constellations on my website, www.bodypresencing.com.
There are other websites which describe this work with
beautiful depth and beauty. One of them is, www.suzitucker.com.
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