The Language of Astrology - Going to Paris

I just recently returned from a four-day immersion into Astrology where all we spoke was the language of Astrology. It was a lot like going to a foreign country, and you were only allowed to speak the native language. It was a jump start in the understanding of the language. The effect was all at once exhilarating and intimidating. 
Learning Astrology is a lifetime's venture and adventure. Not only is it a way of understanding your self and your inheritances, but it is also a way of looking at a blueprint of your life, your health, and your possible events and learning opportunities in your life. If you so choose, it is also a way of seeing and understanding your inherent weaknesses, your early wounds, and your wounded healer.
Let's take this out of the philosophical and make it more real. All of us are born with a set of experiences through our caretakers, early events, and traumas which mark us and shape our view of the world. Through the symbols of planets like Pluto, Saturn, and our moon, we can learn more about these traumas and their effects on us. Imagine you had parents or a parent who was competitive with you or hypercritical of you. You felt as if you either had to do things their way or you would lose their love and support. Or you felt stupid because of their putting you down. This can be shown in our charts through our moon in the sign of Virgo, for example, or Saturn in our 6th house, as another example. These houses and sign and planet placements can show this type of wounding. Within our charts is also demonstrated how we can work with these wounds through our strengths and even how to use these very wounds to heal us or help us work through these challenges.
So, if Saturn is in the 6th house as in this example, maybe Venus is in the 2nd house, which is complementary to the 6th house. The 6th house is about where we do our work, and this would be in nature, or with animals, or through organizing and systematizing, and in working with or through health issues. It is a place where we can get too perfectionistic or too critical of us. With Saturn there, Saturn can be too constricting or give us too much discipline and hard love. Saturn in the 6th house can make us harder on ourselves. 
The 2nd house is where we learn we can take care of us and where we learn we can support us. With Venus in the 2nd house, Venus is about who we love and how we love and what we love. Venus can bring us a way to engage in relationships with compassion and even gentleness. If we use the strengths that Venus can bring to us to assist Saturn in the 6th house, we can bring more love and compassion for us with a knowledge of how to take better care of us.
This is a very simplistic way to look at Astrology, and yet I think it gets the point across. We all have these symbols which express parts of ourselves in our charts. What happens is that as we can understand the metaphors, these symbols come alive for us.
Immersing myself in such learning is an eye-opener for me personally, and also helps me to understand humanity with different eyes and more compassion. Going to Paris, so to speak, opened my eyes, gave me a greater respect for the language itself, and also for all of us in general. Not one person has a chart like any other, and yet we are all a very small, yet essential piece of the whole of humanity. This leaves me with a question: how can each one of us become more of who we are and the best of who we are in this world? That is my mission; to bring to as many people as possible the understanding of what is possible for them, in the best or highest expression of themselves to and for this world to make it a better place for all.
To learn more about astrology, your specific chart, the charts of your family members, etc. or to schedule a session, contact me at 314-9959755; And you can schedule a session directly through my website,

My soothing words of wisdom for the week is about when 'you can't do what you can't see':


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