The Language of Astrology - Going to Paris

I just recently returned from a four-day immersion into Astrology where all we spoke was the language of Astrology. It was a lot like going to a foreign country, and you were only allowed to speak the native language. It was a jump start in the understanding of the language. The effect was all at once exhilarating and intimidating. Learning Astrology is a lifetime's venture and adventure. Not only is it a way of understanding your self and your inheritances, but it is also a way of looking at a blueprint of your life, your health, and your possible events and learning opportunities in your life. If you so choose, it is also a way of seeing and understanding your inherent weaknesses, your early wounds, and your wounded healer. Let's take this out of the philosophical and make it more real. All of us are born with a set of experiences through our caretakers, early events, and traumas which mark us and shape our view of the world. Through the symbols of planets like Plu...