In the Meantime: Life as a Series

Life is a series of thoughts and feelings and memories and experiences fused together with all our senses and connecting the dots so we can have a coherent way of understanding us and what is going on all around us. It is at once, a complex system and also very simple; yet complicated to put together. Life has the possibility of great joy and happiness and learning and growth. Getting it is not easy. We have to negotiate through so many situations and experiences; many of which are painful and difficult to get to the place of acceptance and joy and happiness. Such is the nature of life. 

I have often wondered about the times in life in which nothing is making sense and change is in the air and yet where things are going and what is opening up for us is not clear. We all have so many of these times. This can translate to the times when we can see a job or career is ending or about to change and we are about to be let go or fired, and nothing has shown up to take its place. Or when we are transitioning to a new career or job and don't know what that will be; just know what is driving us from the inside is changing. Or when we are about to retire from years at a job or career and the next steps just aren't clear. Or when we are about to move to a new city and look for a new job and don't know what that will be or how the new city will be for us. Or, getting ready to go to school, but it doesn't start for 6 months, so what do we do until...

There are so many examples of these times in our lives, that I coined them the meantime. We often say things to ourselves like, what do we do In the Meantime. I think that phrase often, and have heard others say it too: what do I do In the Meantime? 

This little book is about just that, the meantime. It is a connecting the dots time in our lives. What is the next dot? 

One of the things I do in my life when I am in one of those states of being, is I write, and I write poems, or I go for a walk with my dog, or I talk to my god, or I meditate or I go off into dreamland.  I thought I would share with you some of my ways of working with and dealing with the meantime.

My Body Presencing Soothing Words for the Week is about the timeframe of feeling happy vs feeling sad:


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