
Death is such an interesting phenomenon and part of life. It is one which many of us try to ignore or are afraid to talk about or separate this integral aspect of living from the rest of our lives. Yet it happens with all of us. This occurs with the death of an idea, the death of a spouse or child, the death of a job or career, and the death of a dream. We watch death every day. The slow death of the grass and flowers after their blooms. The death of a robin after it bangs into a window or after a storm. The death of a beloved pet. The death of a houseplant or even the yearly death of tree leaves as they fall to the ground, fertilizing the earth to feed the next year’s growth. Some deaths we feel more strongly than others. There is nothing more life-changing and sad, and no more significant loss than the death of a child. The death of a parent is a great loss. The death of a spouse you have spent your life with is a gut-wrenching loss. Recently I experienced the death o...