Bring in the New

It is the New Year; a time to celebrate. All across the globe, people celebrate and ring in the new year through parties, groups, drink, and frivolity. What are we really celebrating? What if we were to take this opportunity for celebration and consciously celebrate bringing in new into our lives? 

It would be a great time to say goodbye to people and things about us which no longer serve us, and to allow space for new ideas, new opportunities, new people, new feelings to take root inside of us. Saying goodbye to what no longer serves us and who no longer serves us does not always occur in the way we wish. In fact much of the time we let go when a great loss happens in our lives or when something gets so bad we just have to let go. That seems to be the way we humans function in this world. 

This is a great time to ask ourselves what we would truly like to do in this life, and who or what types of people we would most like to attract into our lives and to take the time to see and feel what this might look like to us. Thinking about this is not enough. We need to add the feeling to it so that we can truly imagine in three dimensions, what our lives can be like. Often in doing so many things conscious and unconscious comes up for us. We might like how it feels and like how we imagine it, but then our minds come in and tell us we can't have it. We have a myriad of reasons why we can't have it. Most of the reasons that tell us no come from what our early lives looked and felt like to us. We tend to keep making the same type of dynamics and opportunities and patterns happen that we lived and that our parent's lived and their parents, and then of course, what is familiar to us; even if we don't like it.

I work with a bunch of people who keep attracting drama into their lives. One part of them knows that they don't want the drama, and another part only feels right when they are smack dab in the midst of the drama. What this can look like in our lives is the jobs we find ourselves in, or the people we get drawn into, or finding ourselves gossiping and judging others. Sometimes our lives can feel too calm to us and it feels uncomfortable because we aren't used to that feeling. Our early lives were too filled with drama for us to feel comfortable in this calm and stable place. This new year is a great time for us to look at what we want to create for us, even if it feels very uncomfortable and even scary. Then it is important for us to ask ourselves if this is something we want enough to feel uncomfortable, and then to consciously feel the difficult feelings and sit with them as we dip our toes, and then feel and then legs, into the new feelings, until we can immerse us in what is possible for us.

There are many tools I use in my practice to help us to achieve our dreams. I use BodyPresencing™, Family Constellations, Chiropractic and translating the language of our bodies so that we can understand the language, and Astrology in which we focus on relationships, patterns, career and even health and medical issues to understand ourselves better. Take a look at my website: and see which tool most speaks to you. A toast to our dreams where we can live whole, vital, and healthy lives.

My soothing words of wisdom for the week is about stepping into your own power:


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