Mind Go

Our minds are amazing instruments. We can learn so much from paying attention to how we think, what we think about, and the games our minds can play on us. Some of us have a lot of repetitive thoughts that circle around us and hold us captive in our own pens. Some of us have minds that never stop and just keep circling around and talking to us. Some of us have more quiet minds and we struggle to find words for our feelings or our images. Some of us have minds that charge us up and can not rest. Do you find yourself in any of these categories?  Most of us are a combination of these and of course, there are many variations of how our minds work. Our minds and how they talk to us are connected to our genetic inheritance, the  placement of the planets in the sky at the moment of our birth, the effect of our early wounds on us, and how we have worked with ourselves over the years to understand us and how we work and what makes us tick.  I am talking about how our minds talk to us. They do talk to us constantly and it is our job to understand it and us and to use it to strengthen us and help us to grow. My mind loves to figure things out and get to the root of what is going on inside of me. My mind also tends to be more negative at first in its reaction to people and events and situations which trigger me. I then notice my internal reactions and work with them so that the negative talk changes to my glass as half full. An example of this occurred recently. We had an incident happen at home in which an attorney contacted us for a resolution which had no need to escalate to this degree.  The situation could easily have been handled person to person. Yet it didn't. My mind at first went to the worst that could happen. Within 1 or 2 days, I was able to work with my thoughts to become more realistic and positive. I looked at what in me was triggered and came to peace with what happened in my early life and saw the connection from early events to the present. Then also, my mind was able to rest.  The power of our minds to heal and to change is immense. Many of us instead, rest on staying the same. I was giving an astrology reading to a gentleman recently and he asked for help in understanding what we call in astrology lingo, his Saturn. What this means is he was asking about the influence of a planet which is about discipline and hard work to help us achieve our soul goals, not just our ego-driven goals. He wondered about this in his life and wanted to know why it was so hard. I told him that those voices in us which are our task masters are our task masters for change. This thorn in his side is actually a tickle to help us to do what we need to do in order to get out of our stuck places, stop resting and resisting, and actually move forward. This Saturn is actually our friend and our task is to make friends with it. This was a new concept to him, yet it is this mind frame which helps us to work with our minds in such a way as to accept that our tendency is to think in such a way, and show us a way which we can re-frame our self-talk.   So, what is your self-talk like, and how can you work with and re-frame your thought patterns to ones which serve your growth so you can live whole and vital and healthy a life as possible?   Change your Story/Change Your Life:  So take a minute and a journal. Breathe deeply into this. What mental pattern seems to repeat in your mind; what thoughts are your repetitive thoughts? It could be I am not good enough, or I am not enough, or the worst is going to happen, or I might as well give up now, or… Now what thoughts like to penetrate your being? Write them down, whatever pattern or patterns you discern. Next, recognizing this pattern, how can you re-frame these words and patterns inside your mind? It might seem and sound foreign to you right now, but take some time and repeat these new thoughts in your mind a few times, and then write them down. Now, if you so choose, go to the deepest place you can and find out where and when something occurred in your life which made you feel this way that your mind tells you over and over. What was going on at this time? Remind yourself that this was then, and now is much later and you are not dependent on others for your well being and care. You can love and accept and care for yourself now. Breathe into this and again, repeat to yourself the re-frame you came up with a few minutes ago.  Write down your insights. Lastly, breathe into those wonderful insights.

Our minds are amazing instruments. We can learn so much from paying attention to how we think, what we think about, and the games our minds can play on us. Some of us have a lot of repetitive thoughts that circle around us and hold us captive in our own pens. Some of us have minds that never stop and just keep circling around and talking to us. Some of us have more quiet minds and we struggle to find words for our feelings or our images. Some of us have minds that charge us up and can not rest. Do you find yourself in any of these categories?

Most of us are a combination of these and of course, there are many variations of how our minds work. Our minds and how they talk to us are connected to our genetic inheritance, the  placement of the planets in the sky at the moment of our birth, the effect of our early wounds on us, and how we have worked with ourselves over the years to understand us and how we work and what makes us tick.

I am talking about how our minds talk to us. They do talk to us constantly and it is our job to understand it and us and to use it to strengthen us and help us to grow. My mind loves to figure things out and get to the root of what is going on inside of me. My mind also tends to be more negative at first in its reaction to people and events and situations which trigger me. I then notice my internal reactions and work with them so that the negative talk changes to my glass as half full. An example of this occurred recently. We had an incident happen at home in which an attorney contacted us for a resolution which had no need to escalate to this degree.  The situation could easily have been handled person to person. Yet it didn't. My mind at first went to the worst that could happen. Within 1 or 2 days, I was able to work with my thoughts to become more realistic and positive. I looked at what in me was triggered and came to peace with what happened in my early life and saw the connection from early events to the present. Then also, my mind was able to rest.

The power of our minds to heal and to change is immense. Many of us instead, rest on staying the same. I was giving an astrology reading to a gentleman recently and he asked for help in understanding what we call in astrology lingo, his Saturn. What this means is he was asking about the influence of a planet which is about discipline and hard work to help us achieve our soul goals, not just our ego-driven goals. He wondered about this in his life and wanted to know why it was so hard. I told him that those voices in us which are our task masters are our task masters for change. This thorn in his side is actually a tickle to help us to do what we need to do in order to get out of our stuck places, stop resting and resisting, and actually move forward. This Saturn is actually our friend and our task is to make friends with it. This was a new concept to him, yet it is this mind frame which helps us to work with our minds in such a way as to accept that our tendency is to think in such a way, and show us a way which we can re-frame our self-talk. 

So, what is your self-talk like, and how can you work with and re-frame your thought patterns to ones which serve your growth so you can live whole and vital and healthy a life as possible?

Change your Story/Change Your Life:

So take a minute and a journal. Breathe deeply into this. What mental pattern seems to repeat in your mind; what thoughts are your repetitive thoughts? It could be I am not good enough, or I am not enough, or the worst is going to happen, or I might as well give up now, or… Now what thoughts like to penetrate your being? Write them down, whatever pattern or patterns you discern. Next, recognizing this pattern, how can you re-frame these words and patterns inside your mind? It might seem and sound foreign to you right now, but take some time and repeat these new thoughts in your mind a few times, and then write them down. Now, if you so choose, go to the deepest place you can and find out where and when something occurred in your life which made you feel this way that your mind tells you over and over. What was going on at this time? Remind yourself that this was then, and now is much later and you are not dependent on others for your well being and care. You can love and accept and care for yourself now. Breathe into this and again, repeat to yourself the re-frame you came up with a few minutes ago.

Write down your insights. Lastly, breathe into those wonderful insights.


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