Summertime Fun Poem

Oh the summertime joys

Sitting on the  back deck with the dogs crawling over me letting the heat of the sun permeate my soul

Listening to the tinkle of ice cream trucks jostle down the street luring neighborhood children of all ages to cool off with a sweet treat

Feeling the warm wind and summer breezes comb out my humid soaked kinky hair

Allowing myself to think of nothing, emptying my mind and surrendering to the enjoyment of evening light

Listening to the enchanted talk of the local birds whistling, singing, hooting and pecking their way into my consciousness

As I am waiting for my nightly walk or excursion to my sweet indulgence of summer of cool brightly colored ices 

Enjoying the flickering of fireflies to light my way in their erratic nature

As I quietly hope for Summer nights to last forever

Knowing that this summer fun too shall pass until next summer's emergence as I openly flow towards cooler nights and shorter days and watching my pumpkin vine grow its first blossom and the last of the summer`s roses fades off the vine.


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