
Remarkable Surprises

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean Have you ever had an experience, which defied belief and yet you knew it was true? We are so tied to what we can see with our eyes and feel with our hands that we often discount all the things that are not so physically tangible.   March is often like that. One day it is windy and sunny, and the next day it rains with double rainbows, and the next day it snows, and the next day there isn’t a trace of snow to be found. How do those changes happen, and so quickly? What unseen forces are out there affecting our outside environment? We often choose to disbelieve whatever opposes our belief systems. As a doctor I have had those experiences. One time I was working with a patient who came in to see me complaining of severe back pain down into the outside of her hip, and it wouldn’t go away. She was scared and had never experienced such pain; exce

Peek A Boo

“You can complain that roses have thorns,  or rejoice that thorns have roses.”                                                                                                   -Ziggy March is an interesting month of transition; from winter to spring, from cold and snowy to rainy and mild.   We can literally watch the crocus shoot up, the greening of our lawns, the daffodil sprouts growing out of the ground. And we too begin to come alive again from the cold winter time of introspection. We actually play peek a boo with the sun and clouds. As we look around us and see nature’s movements, we also find our bodies are playing the same game. We are coming back alive again. Our bodies are ready to go outside become more outwardly active and our organs are waking up. Where else do we play peek a boo in our lives? Do we play now I see you now I don’t in relationships? Do we open up and then find we are too open, and then close up again? Do we open to our partner a

What is Your Threshold for Love?

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts,  there can be no more hurt, only more love.” - Mother Teresa Life is inspiring; or should I say it can be. The seemingly cold depths of February are actually a period of thawing before the coming of spring.   We may feel as though we are enmeshed in cold and snow, but underneath the surface life is full of vigor, vitality, and new growth. I personally find February a difficult month. When I was in high school, I found I was frequently melancholy and it disturbed me until I one day realized that I get this way every February. It is like I have an internal threshold of tolerance for cold and shorter periods of light. By the time February rolls around, my tolerance has expired. I am ready for spring. Yet, we have at least one more full month of cold and dreary weather. We all have internal thresholds for things. We even have internal thresholds for happiness and love. In an unconscious way, we h

What Is Love?

“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.”                                                                                 -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Everyone wants to fall in love and experience the fullness of love, but not everyone believes that they are loveable or deserve love. Not everyone realizes that we love in a way that we have been loved and in a way that we love ourselves. For those reasons and more, falling and being in love also stirs up our unresolved “stuff”. Yet falling in love and being in love and loving another gives us an opportunity to face and resolve old family issues. As we do so, we regain our strength and a sense of wholeness and vitality in our lives. Loving gives us the opportunity to work on that old “stuff” as we experience life with and through another’s eyes. If we don’t really feel we deserve to be loved, when we are loved somewhere inside we might feel like “what is wrong with them that they love me?” Sometimes we choose part

Happiness is a Warm Puppy

“Lord, help me the person my dog thinks I am.” -   Unknown If you have a dog or are an animal lover I am sure you know exactly what that quote means.   And if you are a dog lover, like me, I am sure at least one has been your favorite, and that there are many stories you could tell me about your friend and what you have learned from him/her. Dogs are loyal and through their loyalty they teach us so much about the patient nature of unconditional love.   But love and loyalty are only two of the many lessons they teach us.   A third lesson is about simplifying our lives. When my son was thirteen, we had two dogs, Moscow and Samantha. Samantha was a Malamute mix with blue eyes, and was gentle and loving. Moscow was a black and tan Akita who was strong and gentle, loving and loyal and fiercely protective. My son was wanted a dog of his own, so we researched breeds and decided on a Great Pyrenees. Up until this point, Samantha and Moscow were great frie