
What Brings Clarity

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”                                                                                          - Lao Tzu                               We have gone on a journey this past year, through Body Presencing ™ , learning what it is, seeing what keeps us stuck in the past, learning what it is to be in the present, and seeing what is in store for us in the future. Along with stories, cases, and philosophizing, I have included many exercises and meditations to help us along this path. Here we are at the end of the year, and I don ’ t know about you, but this year has gone by very ...

What Happens When We Jump Ahead Or Go Back Into The Future?

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.”                                                                                                A.A. Milne Cool grey days are upon us with the harbinger of winter. I don’t know about you, but I am an outdoor girl. I love being outside…when it isn’t too cold or wet. So as the days are shorter and cooler I tend to pull inward and to read more and write more. With this more sedentary and indoor lifestyle I also plan more and visualize what is to come and what I am working towards. As we do this there is a warning also. Visualizing and planning have their merits, and we need to be careful not to jump ahead and start going through elaborate...

How Does Your Family Influence You?

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”                                                                                                   - Epicurus At this time of year our families become more fully on our minds. The days are shorter and cooler, we begin to spend more time in doors, and we begin to think of holidays coming up which have large family connotations like Thanksgiving, and then Chanukah and Christmas are on its heels. As I am greatly influenced and inspired by nature, I become fully aware of the smell of falling wet leaves and the silhouettes of trees making their reappearance.   When I was a child, I dreaded this t...

How Does Hope Help?

“True forgiveness is when you can say, thank you for the experience.”                                                                                              - Oprah Winfrey Hope can be a wonderful emotion to feel. We all need hope. In November, hope can be especially helpful. It can be difficult to be close to a family celebration when so much is unresolved in us with our families, and when our family experiences have been very difficult. We also get filled with “shoulds” during this time. It could go something like this, “I don’t want to go but I should go.” Or, it could go like this, “I don’t want to invite them but I feel I should.” Having hope helps us get through times like this. “I hope all goes well, or that so and so is kind to me, or...

Grateful For Life

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the  charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”                                                                                          - Marcel Proust Come November, we often think of Thanksgiving and what we are grateful for. It is alright not to be grateful for all the things we think we should be. It is even better to let us feel our gratefulness in all the places that it naturally rises. As I am going through my BodyPresencing hologram, November and December of this year focuses on being able to move gracefully into the future. Time is fluid and as we affect our past, we influence our present and our future. So, as we work to heal aspects of our past and our ancestors unresolved ...

What Is Your Personal Shift

 “ Maybe the only thing each of us can see is our shadow. ”                                                                                                            Carl Jung October is a time in the year with a big seasonal shift. We are shifting from the heat and sun of summer to the cold and darker hibernation of winter. Even though this shift happens as part of our natural rhythm in life, it sometimes is hard to accept.   There are many things in life which are hard to accept. Who doesn ’ t wish that we had a great childhood, great parents, and a happy life? Events in life happen. Patterns get repeated. We all know the saying, “ s … happens. ” A friend of mine likes to say, “ Shift happens ” . ...

The Language of the Shadow

“ I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me; and what can be the use of him is more than I can see. ”                                                                                   - Robert Louis Stevenson We all want to create a future for ourselves and our families and our communities where we can live fulfilled lives with happiness and prosperity. We want to live connected to others and yet independent. This is our true inheritance. So often this is not the future we do create.   We often live in the shadow of our unconscious and compelled to make similar mistakes as our parents, and their parents, and so the patterns we see that keep repeating, keep repeating. Our shadow side controls us until we can make conscious what has been hidden from us. A...