The Winds of Change

Spring is a great time to begin something anew. I love to take lessons from the trees and foliage who are so in tune with the changing seasons. We, humans, have a much harder time with change than does nature who just goes with the seasonal flow of the earth's journey around the sun. I watch the trees stand firm and tall and solid as they work together as a network to watch each other and to gain information as to what is going on around them. They let each other know when there is danger and they feel the sun and wind and earth and precipitation all around them. Their sap begins to flow and nutrients move through them as the sun's rays permeate their existence. They open and bud and flower in complete synchrony with the elements around them. As the temperature falls, their movements slow down and as the temperatures rise, they increase. The drama is in us, not them. One of the reasons I love astrology is that the study of the movements of the planets and moons and astero...