The Soulful Life

The soulful life is one that exists parallel to the daily life in our conscious awareness. The soulful life is not about the grocery list, the have to's, the should’s, the needs to be best, the need to be right, and so on. It is about moving in tune to our own internal rhythms. It is about being in touch with our inner knowing, and about trusting our gut and moving with it. The movements in this parallel world move slowly and rhythmically. They move with an integration of our inner worlds. When we find ourselves rushing, or needing to make a decision quickly, or running from something, or trying not to feel, we have clues to our being out of tune with that world. I had an interesting experience recently. I always considered myself an ok singer. There are times I sound good and am in pitch and many times where I am all over the place. My husband is a singer and a good one. I usually just like to listen to him sing or sing along with him and we end up laughing because...