The Eye of July in Winter

“ Yesterday ’ s the past, tomorrow ’ s the future, but today ’ s a gift. That ’ s why it is called the present. ” -Bill Keane It is a weird experience for me to be writing about July and the summer as I am actually sitting and looking outside my front picture window of my house out at the snow billowing around my yard. Presently, we are in the middle of a snow storm, I am gazing out at the wind and snow, watching walkers all bundled up, and writing about the hazy, lazy summer. I am writing about the eye of July in March. My work is about being present in ourselves, in our lives, in our bodies, in our souls. It is about being present in relationships, and present to all around us. And I am writing about summer. How many of us do things like this; write about things happening at a later time, think about the future while we are living presently, live in the past while the present is happening in front of us, and so on? The trick for me is to be able to project myself into ...