The Tenth Key: The Power of Our Shadow Side

“I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, and what can be the use of him is more than I can see.” - Robert Louis Stevenson October is upon us. This is a beautiful time of the year in which the leaves have turned golden, yellow, and red as the weather turns cooler and fires begin to burn in the hearth once again. For some, October culminates in a celebration called All Hallows Eve, or Halloween, which I look at as a symbol of our shadow sides. Once could say it is a celebration of our dark sides. Think about it. During the month of October, we become enveloped in . beautiful colors as the leaves change from green to orange, red, then to brown. I like to think of late autumn as a time to celebrate the beauty found within our dark sides which is why I have dedicated an entire month to exploring the power of doing ‘shadow work’ and why I have identified this process as one of the secret keys to health, wholeness, an...