Entering the Grove of Elders

“Your face is marked with lines of life, put there by love and laughter, suffering and tears. It’s beautiful” - Lynsay Sands I am entering another phase of my life; one in which I am embodying my life’s work more fully, putting words to my healing modality, and inviting others to experience what I have spent a lifetime creating. In the book, Nature and the Human Soul , this phase is called The Grove of Elders. It is the phase of life in which we shift our focus and attention from doing more to being more; from innovating something new to stewarding our work in such a way that we care for the community and the Earth. It took me a whole year to wrap my mind around my turning sixty and what that would mean. To some sixty sounds old. To others sixty sounds young. To me, it is an exciting and potent phase of life in which I can ...