Who Am I?
“ That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and to the inevitability of something.” - Meredith Monk “Who am I?” is the question we ask ourselves beginning when we are little beings. From the time we are born, and even before, we are being taught values, beliefs, and what it takes and who it takes to be part of the family we are born into. This indoctrination, including the genetic component which is handed down over generations, infects us and entwines in our being. We then live our lives so enmeshed and entwined in what we are taught and what is handed down that it is difficult to extricate ourselves, with compassion, and find out who our true selves are. Who is our authentic self? I am presently teaching a class which helps us to do exactly that: lovingly extract our true selves from our enmeshments so that we can appreciate who we are; separ...